
By Car

Distance to Vemdalen from Stockholm is about 480 km. Gothenburg about 650 km and Malmö about 900 km.

By Air

There are 3 airports; Åre Östersund Airport, Härjedalen Sveg Airport and Hedlanda Airport.

By Train

Direct trains run from Stockholm, Gothenburg / Malmö to Östersund and Röjan.

By Bus

The Härjedalingen bus operates the Stockholm-Vemdalen route. If the roadway permits, the bus “Härjedalingen” runs up to the stop at the Björnrike Centrat.

Finding the cottage

If you have GPS please enter Björnrike or input the address Björnrike Björnvägen 87 to get the most accurate directions. You can click on the map on this page to take you to Google maps.

Björnrike is located between Sveg, Vemhån and Vemdalen. There are signs.

Drive up towards Björnrike Centrat and the cabin will be on your left about 200 meters before you reach the Centrat.