Berry and Mushroom Picking





Berry and Mushroom Picking

In late summer and early fall there are typically plenty of berries throughout the region. You can find blueberries, lingonberries and cloudberries, but also wild raspberries to be picked.  A large variety of mushrooms can also be found , such as soups, leccinum, brittlegills, marshes, risks, thorn fungi, polyphyletic fungi, and chanterelles,


During the fall there are opportunities for hunting of bear and moose and a variety of other game including rips. For information on hunting permits for government owned land click here.  There are also companies offering hunting opportunities on privately owned land.  Guides and expertise can be found with local firms, click here to visit one.


Cast your line and enjoy the rivers and lakes teaming with fish. In the streams, tarns and lakes in the area you can catch grayling, province fish of Härjedalen, brown trout, arctic char, pike and perch.  Around midsummer is a particularly good time to catch grayling and Arctic char, September is also good for grayling. Need fishing tips? Click here.


Explore the vast wilderness throughout the region. You can have your pick among the easy nature paths and marked trails to actively farmed huts, roaming waterfalls, bubbling brooks and a range of resting places in scenic setting inviting a picnic. You can bring along a floral guide and learn the names of the plants and flowers that grow along the path. A pair of small lightweight binoculars may also come in handy. You will find fine spots for a barbecue, spectacular views and adventures galore.

Why not take the family along and search for the five waterfalls or aim for climbing one of the ten summits? Enjoy overnight camping in a tent or treat yourselves to delicious dinner; the choice is yours! Mountain hiking in Vemdalen means quality of life.

Guided tours  are available for visiting five area waterfalls and for visiting Sonfjallets National Park, one of Europe’s oldest with a rich wildlife including a large population of bear, moose, mountain cats and a variety of birds. The park also has well preserved geological formations from the ice age. From the ice age also remains a huge collection of boulders often arranged by nature into patterns known as boulder rings.


Hop on your bike and discover nature on a more personal level. The entire area is criss-crossed by meandering trails and gravel roads just waiting to be explored.  Some of the routes lead you straight out into the wilderness; along rivers and brooks, through forests, to glittering lakes and tarns. Other trails run past villages and huts. Have a stop on the riverbanks and look for beavers or select trails running through our areas that are rich in wildlife. For some of the routes we recommend that you bring fishing gear; here are many lakes that is rich in fish and are easy to reach by bike.  For a review of some of the options click here and for a map of some of the bike trails click here.